Friday, March 1, 2013

Week Three

This has been quite a week. Last weekend I moved out of my apartment, most of my belongings are being housed in a storage unit in Benicia and I have moved in with a family in Brentwood. My morning commute was 25 miles and is now less than 10. Although I feel settled I still have a lot of stuff to sort through and organize for storage. Tonight I am headed to SF to eat crab and make smores, a much needed break with friends. I realized that I am trying to have as much friend time as possible while I am local because in three weeks I will be moving south to San Luis Obispo.

It is hard to believe that I am half way through my first rotation. I am starting to see well child checks on my own and continuing to observe episodic visits. I am continuing to learn so much. Yesterday while doing laundry at the laundry mat I was brushing up on anemias and realized I still remember quite a bit, however a lot of it seemed brand new (we learned this 1/2012), and this is the reason I will have a year of clinical rotations, to cement the information I learned during the didactic year.

Yesterday we saw a kiddo who was 6 and was diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the femoral head (the hip joint). The diagnosis was made early in the disease progression, in an effort to save the head of the bone from needing replacement now, the child will have to be non-weight bearing on crutches for 4-6 weeks. I can't imagine having a 6 year old who is not allowed to run and play for 6 weeks, sounds like a form of torture for parents, and believe me this kid had some energy. I was speaking with Dr. Mahdavi after the family had left and asked if he would consider sending the family to a session with an occupational therapist to find activities the family/child can do during this time of restriction. Dr. Mahdavi said it was a great idea and called the father immediately.

And I will leave you with another quote, simply because my dreams are coming true...

"All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them."
            -Walt Disney

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