Sunday, April 14, 2013

Quantum superposition

My homework for the weekend from Dr. Lickness consisted of many things including Schroedinger's cat, a thought process based on quantum superposition. Which states something like this... a physical system, such as an electron, exists partly in all is theoretical states simultaneously, however when measured it gives the result of only one of the possible states.  So bring in Schroedinger's cat. A cat is placed in a room (or a box) with a radioactive element (these are unstable and likely to breakdown), and a Geiger counter (a particle detector that measures ionizing radiation) that is connected to a device that will release cyanide gas when radiation is detected. In this state the cat is dead and alive until the experimenter opens the door to determine which state the cat is in. However, by opening the door the experimenter has interfered with the experiment. Therefore the expriment must be described in reference to the actions of the experimenter. Schroedinger's motivation for this paradox was to criticize Copenhagen's interpretation of quantum mechanics.

Mind blown...

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